The discovery of Higgs particle was announced on 4th July 2012. In 2013, Nobel Prize was conferred upon two scientists, Francois Englert and Peter Higgs for their contribution towards its discovery. A characteristic property of Higgs Boson is its decay into other particles through different processes. At the ATLAS detector at CERN, very high energy protons are accelerated in a circular trajectory in both directions thus colliding with themselves and resulting in hundreds of particles per second.

These events are categorized as either background or signal events. The background events consist of decay of particles that have already been discovered in previous experiments. The signal events are the decay of exotic particles: a region in feature space which is not explained by the background processes. The significance of these signal events is analyzed using different statistical tests.

If the probability that the event has not been produced by a background process is well below a threshold, a new particle is considered to have been discovered. The ATLAS experiment observed a signal of the Higgs Boson decaying into two tau particles, although it was buried in significant amount of noise.


The goal of the Challenge is to improve the classification procedure that produces the selection region.The objective is a function of the weights of selected events. Prefix-less variables EventId, Weight and Label have a special role and should not be used as input to the classifier.

The variables prefixed with PRI (for PRImitives) are “raw” quantities about the bunch collision as measured by the detector, essentially the momenta of particles. Variables prefixed with DER (for DERived) are quantities computed from the primitive features.

Defining two functions that are used to get a report of our datasets

def pretty_print(df):
    return display( HTML( df.to_html().replace("\\n","<br>") ) )
def tbl_report(tbl, cols=None, card=10):
    print("Table Shape", tbl.shape)
    dtypes = tbl.dtypes
    nulls = []
    uniques = []
    numuniques = []
    vcs = []
    for col in dtypes.index:
        n = tbl[col].isnull().sum()
        strdtcol = str(dtypes[col])
        #if strdtcol == 'object' or strdtcol[0:3] == 'int' or strdtcol[0:3] == 'int':
        uniqs = tbl[col].unique()
        uniquenums = uniqs.shape[0]
        if uniquenums < card: # low cardinality
            valcounts = pd.value_counts(tbl[col], dropna=False)
            vc = "\n".join(["{}:{}".format(k,v) for k, v in valcounts.items()])
            vc='HC' # high cardinality
    nullseries = pd.Series(nulls, index=dtypes.index)
    uniqueseries = pd.Series(uniques, index=dtypes.index)
    numuniqueseries = pd.Series(numuniques, index=dtypes.index)
    vcseries = pd.Series(vcs, index=dtypes.index)
    df = pd.concat([dtypes, nullseries, uniqueseries, numuniqueseries, vcseries], axis=1)
    df.columns = ['dtype', 'nulls', 'uniques', 'num_uniques', 'value_counts']
    if cols:
        return pretty_print(df[cols])
    return pretty_print(df)

Loading and Reading Datasets

The data consists of simulated signal and background events in a 30 dimensional feature space. Each event data point is assigned an ID and a weight as explained

before. The 30 features consisted of real values and included different kinematic properties of that event and the particles involved including estimated particle mass, invariant mass of hadronic tau and lepton, vector sum of the transverse momentum of hadronic tau, centrality of azimuthal angle, pseudo-rapidity of the leptons, the number of jets and their properties, etc. The training data consisted of 250,000 events and the test data consisted of 550,000 events. Test data was not accompanied by weights. Each event of training data was marked by one of two labels; 's' for signal and 'b' for background.

!pip install -q kaggle
!mkdir -p ~/.kaggle
!cp kaggle.json ~/.kaggle/
!ls ~/.kaggle
!chmod 600 /root/.kaggle/kaggle.json

!kaggle kernels list — user Sakzsee — sort-by dateRun

!kaggle competitions download -c higgs-boson

!unzip -q -d .
!unzip -q -d .
usage: kaggle [-h] [-v] {competitions,c,datasets,d,kernels,k,config} ...
kaggle: error: unrecognized arguments: — user Sakzsee — sort-by dateRun
Warning: Looks like you're using an outdated API Version, please consider updating (server 1.5.12 / client 1.5.4) Skipping, found more recently modified local copy (use --force to force download) Skipping, found more recently modified local copy (use --force to force download) Skipping, found more recently modified local copy (use --force to force download) Skipping, found more recently modified local copy (use --force to force download)
unzip:  cannot find or open, or
unzip:  cannot find or open, or
kaggle.json				 sample_data
#Loading train set and loading test set
train = pd.read_csv("")
test = pd.read_csv("")

#EventID is identifier - making it an index in both the sets
train.set_index('EventId',inplace = True)
#Looking at top 5 rows in train
DER_mass_MMC DER_mass_transverse_met_lep DER_mass_vis DER_pt_h DER_deltaeta_jet_jet DER_mass_jet_jet DER_prodeta_jet_jet DER_deltar_tau_lep DER_pt_tot DER_sum_pt DER_pt_ratio_lep_tau DER_met_phi_centrality DER_lep_eta_centrality PRI_tau_pt PRI_tau_eta PRI_tau_phi PRI_lep_pt PRI_lep_eta PRI_lep_phi PRI_met PRI_met_phi PRI_met_sumet PRI_jet_num PRI_jet_leading_pt PRI_jet_leading_eta PRI_jet_leading_phi PRI_jet_subleading_pt PRI_jet_subleading_eta PRI_jet_subleading_phi PRI_jet_all_pt Weight Label
100000 138.470 51.655 97.827 27.980 0.91 124.711 2.666 3.064 41.928 197.760 1.582 1.396 0.2 32.638 1.017 0.381 51.626 2.273 -2.414 16.824 -0.277 258.733 2 67.435 2.150 0.444 46.062 1.24 -2.475 113.497 0.002653 s
100001 160.937 68.768 103.235 48.146 -999.00 -999.000 -999.000 3.473 2.078 125.157 0.879 1.414 -999.0 42.014 2.039 -3.011 36.918 0.501 0.103 44.704 -1.916 164.546 1 46.226 0.725 1.158 -999.000 -999.00 -999.000 46.226 2.233584 b
100002 -999.000 162.172 125.953 35.635 -999.00 -999.000 -999.000 3.148 9.336 197.814 3.776 1.414 -999.0 32.154 -0.705 -2.093 121.409 -0.953 1.052 54.283 -2.186 260.414 1 44.251 2.053 -2.028 -999.000 -999.00 -999.000 44.251 2.347389 b
100003 143.905 81.417 80.943 0.414 -999.00 -999.000 -999.000 3.310 0.414 75.968 2.354 -1.285 -999.0 22.647 -1.655 0.010 53.321 -0.522 -3.100 31.082 0.060 86.062 0 -999.000 -999.000 -999.000 -999.000 -999.00 -999.000 -0.000 5.446378 b
100004 175.864 16.915 134.805 16.405 -999.00 -999.000 -999.000 3.891 16.405 57.983 1.056 -1.385 -999.0 28.209 -2.197 -2.231 29.774 0.798 1.569 2.723 -0.871 53.131 0 -999.000 -999.000 -999.000 -999.000 -999.00 -999.000 0.000 6.245333 b
#Looking at training set info 
tbl_report(train, cols=['dtype', 'nulls', 'num_uniques', 'value_counts'])
Table Shape (250000, 32)
dtype nulls num_uniques value_counts
DER_mass_MMC float64 0 108338 HC
DER_mass_transverse_met_lep float64 0 101637 HC
DER_mass_vis float64 0 100558 HC
DER_pt_h float64 0 115563 HC
DER_deltaeta_jet_jet float64 0 7087 HC
DER_mass_jet_jet float64 0 68366 HC
DER_prodeta_jet_jet float64 0 16593 HC
DER_deltar_tau_lep float64 0 4692 HC
DER_pt_tot float64 0 59042 HC
DER_sum_pt float64 0 156098 HC
DER_pt_ratio_lep_tau float64 0 5931 HC
DER_met_phi_centrality float64 0 2829 HC
DER_lep_eta_centrality float64 0 1002 HC
PRI_tau_pt float64 0 59639 HC
PRI_tau_eta float64 0 4971 HC
PRI_tau_phi float64 0 6285 HC
PRI_lep_pt float64 0 61929 HC
PRI_lep_eta float64 0 4987 HC
PRI_lep_phi float64 0 6285 HC
PRI_met float64 0 87836 HC
PRI_met_phi float64 0 6285 HC
PRI_met_sumet float64 0 179740 HC
PRI_jet_num int64 0 4 0:99913
PRI_jet_leading_pt float64 0 86590 HC
PRI_jet_leading_eta float64 0 8558 HC
PRI_jet_leading_phi float64 0 6285 HC
PRI_jet_subleading_pt float64 0 42464 HC
PRI_jet_subleading_eta float64 0 8628 HC
PRI_jet_subleading_phi float64 0 6286 HC
PRI_jet_all_pt float64 0 103559 HC
Weight float64 0 104096 HC
Label object 0 2 b:164333
#Looking at the numerical descriptions
DER_mass_MMC DER_mass_transverse_met_lep DER_mass_vis DER_pt_h DER_deltaeta_jet_jet DER_mass_jet_jet DER_prodeta_jet_jet DER_deltar_tau_lep DER_pt_tot DER_sum_pt DER_pt_ratio_lep_tau DER_met_phi_centrality DER_lep_eta_centrality PRI_tau_pt PRI_tau_eta PRI_tau_phi PRI_lep_pt PRI_lep_eta PRI_lep_phi PRI_met PRI_met_phi PRI_met_sumet PRI_jet_num PRI_jet_leading_pt PRI_jet_leading_eta PRI_jet_leading_phi PRI_jet_subleading_pt PRI_jet_subleading_eta PRI_jet_subleading_phi PRI_jet_all_pt Weight
count 250000.000000 250000.000000 250000.000000 250000.000000 250000.000000 250000.000000 250000.000000 250000.000000 250000.000000 250000.000000 250000.000000 250000.000000 250000.000000 250000.000000 250000.000000 250000.000000 250000.000000 250000.000000 250000.000000 250000.000000 250000.000000 250000.000000 250000.000000 250000.000000 250000.000000 250000.000000 250000.000000 250000.000000 250000.000000 250000.000000 250000.000000
mean -49.023079 49.239819 81.181982 57.895962 -708.420675 -601.237051 -709.356603 2.373100 18.917332 158.432217 1.437609 -0.128305 -708.985189 38.707419 -0.010973 -0.008171 46.660207 -0.019507 0.043543 41.717235 -0.010119 209.797178 0.979176 -348.329567 -399.254314 -399.259788 -692.381204 -709.121609 -709.118631 73.064591 1.646767
std 406.345647 35.344886 40.828691 63.655682 454.480565 657.972302 453.019877 0.782911 22.273494 115.706115 0.844743 1.193585 453.596721 22.412081 1.214079 1.816763 22.064922 1.264982 1.816611 32.894693 1.812223 126.499506 0.977426 532.962789 489.338286 489.333883 479.875496 453.384624 453.389017 98.015662 1.875103
min -999.000000 0.000000 6.329000 0.000000 -999.000000 -999.000000 -999.000000 0.208000 0.000000 46.104000 0.047000 -1.414000 -999.000000 20.000000 -2.499000 -3.142000 26.000000 -2.505000 -3.142000 0.109000 -3.142000 13.678000 0.000000 -999.000000 -999.000000 -999.000000 -999.000000 -999.000000 -999.000000 0.000000 0.001502
25% 78.100750 19.241000 59.388750 14.068750 -999.000000 -999.000000 -999.000000 1.810000 2.841000 77.550000 0.883000 -1.371000 -999.000000 24.591750 -0.925000 -1.575000 32.375000 -1.014000 -1.522000 21.398000 -1.575000 123.017500 0.000000 -999.000000 -999.000000 -999.000000 -999.000000 -999.000000 -999.000000 0.000000 0.018636
50% 105.012000 46.524000 73.752000 38.467500 -999.000000 -999.000000 -999.000000 2.491500 12.315500 120.664500 1.280000 -0.356000 -999.000000 31.804000 -0.023000 -0.033000 40.516000 -0.045000 0.086000 34.802000 -0.024000 179.739000 1.000000 38.960000 -1.872000 -2.093000 -999.000000 -999.000000 -999.000000 40.512500 1.156188
75% 130.606250 73.598000 92.259000 79.169000 0.490000 83.446000 -4.593000 2.961000 27.591000 200.478250 1.777000 1.225000 0.000000 45.017000 0.898000 1.565000 53.390000 0.959000 1.618000 51.895000 1.561000 263.379250 2.000000 75.349000 0.433000 0.503000 33.703000 -2.457000 -2.275000 109.933750 2.404128
max 1192.026000 690.075000 1349.351000 2834.999000 8.503000 4974.979000 16.690000 5.684000 2834.999000 1852.462000 19.773000 1.414000 1.000000 764.408000 2.497000 3.142000 560.271000 2.503000 3.142000 2842.617000 3.142000 2003.976000 3.000000 1120.573000 4.499000 3.141000 721.456000 4.500000 3.142000 1633.433000 7.822543
#Looking at top 5 rows in test
DER_mass_MMC DER_mass_transverse_met_lep DER_mass_vis DER_pt_h DER_deltaeta_jet_jet DER_mass_jet_jet DER_prodeta_jet_jet DER_deltar_tau_lep DER_pt_tot DER_sum_pt DER_pt_ratio_lep_tau DER_met_phi_centrality DER_lep_eta_centrality PRI_tau_pt PRI_tau_eta PRI_tau_phi PRI_lep_pt PRI_lep_eta PRI_lep_phi PRI_met PRI_met_phi PRI_met_sumet PRI_jet_num PRI_jet_leading_pt PRI_jet_leading_eta PRI_jet_leading_phi PRI_jet_subleading_pt PRI_jet_subleading_eta PRI_jet_subleading_phi PRI_jet_all_pt
350000 -999.000 79.589 23.916 3.036 -999.000 -999.000 -999.000 0.903 3.036 56.018 1.536 -1.404 -999.000 22.088 -0.540 -0.609 33.930 -0.504 -1.511 48.509 2.022 98.556 0 -999.000 -999.000 -999.000 -999.000 -999.000 -999.000 -0.000
350001 106.398 67.490 87.949 49.994 -999.000 -999.000 -999.000 2.048 2.679 132.865 1.777 -1.204 -999.000 30.716 -1.784 3.054 54.574 -0.169 1.795 21.093 -1.138 176.251 1 47.575 -0.553 -0.849 -999.000 -999.000 -999.000 47.575
350002 117.794 56.226 96.358 4.137 -999.000 -999.000 -999.000 2.755 4.137 97.600 1.096 -1.408 -999.000 46.564 -0.298 3.079 51.036 -0.548 0.336 19.461 -1.868 111.505 0 -999.000 -999.000 -999.000 -999.000 -999.000 -999.000 0.000
350003 135.861 30.604 97.288 9.104 -999.000 -999.000 -999.000 2.811 9.104 94.112 0.819 -1.382 -999.000 51.741 0.388 -1.408 42.371 -0.295 2.148 25.131 1.172 164.707 0 -999.000 -999.000 -999.000 -999.000 -999.000 -999.000 0.000
350004 74.159 82.772 58.731 89.646 1.347 536.663 -0.339 1.028 77.213 721.552 1.713 -0.913 0.004 45.087 -1.548 1.877 77.252 -1.913 2.838 22.200 -0.231 869.614 3 254.085 -1.013 -0.334 185.857 0.335 2.587 599.213
#Looking at test info
tbl_report(test, cols=['dtype', 'nulls', 'num_uniques', 'value_counts'])
Table Shape (550000, 30)
dtype nulls num_uniques value_counts
DER_mass_MMC float64 0 152743 HC
DER_mass_transverse_met_lep float64 0 123271 HC
DER_mass_vis float64 0 134982 HC
DER_pt_h float64 0 165204 HC
DER_deltaeta_jet_jet float64 0 7487 HC
DER_mass_jet_jet float64 0 140826 HC
DER_prodeta_jet_jet float64 0 20258 HC
DER_deltar_tau_lep float64 0 4900 HC
DER_pt_tot float64 0 76134 HC
DER_sum_pt float64 0 241132 HC
DER_pt_ratio_lep_tau float64 0 6908 HC
DER_met_phi_centrality float64 0 2829 HC
DER_lep_eta_centrality float64 0 1002 HC
PRI_tau_pt float64 0 77078 HC
PRI_tau_eta float64 0 4979 HC
PRI_tau_phi float64 0 6285 HC
PRI_lep_pt float64 0 79298 HC
PRI_lep_eta float64 0 4997 HC
PRI_lep_phi float64 0 6285 HC
PRI_met float64 0 112424 HC
PRI_met_phi float64 0 6285 HC
PRI_met_sumet float64 0 290439 HC
PRI_jet_num int64 0 4 0:220156
PRI_jet_leading_pt float64 0 129311 HC
PRI_jet_leading_eta float64 0 8833 HC
PRI_jet_leading_phi float64 0 6286 HC
PRI_jet_subleading_pt float64 0 63741 HC
PRI_jet_subleading_eta float64 0 8882 HC
PRI_jet_subleading_phi float64 0 6286 HC
PRI_jet_all_pt float64 0 170078 HC
#Looking at statistical description of test
DER_mass_MMC DER_mass_transverse_met_lep DER_mass_vis DER_pt_h DER_deltaeta_jet_jet DER_mass_jet_jet DER_prodeta_jet_jet DER_deltar_tau_lep DER_pt_tot DER_sum_pt DER_pt_ratio_lep_tau DER_met_phi_centrality DER_lep_eta_centrality PRI_tau_pt PRI_tau_eta PRI_tau_phi PRI_lep_pt PRI_lep_eta PRI_lep_phi PRI_met PRI_met_phi PRI_met_sumet PRI_jet_num PRI_jet_leading_pt PRI_jet_leading_eta PRI_jet_leading_phi PRI_jet_subleading_pt PRI_jet_subleading_eta PRI_jet_subleading_phi PRI_jet_all_pt
count 550000.000000 550000.000000 550000.000000 550000.000000 550000.000000 550000.000000 550000.000000 550000.000000 550000.000000 550000.000000 550000.000000 550000.000000 550000.000000 550000.000000 550000.000000 550000.000000 550000.000000 550000.000000 550000.000000 550000.000000 550000.000000 550000.000000 550000.000000 550000.000000 550000.000000 550000.000000 550000.000000 550000.000000 550000.000000 550000.000000
mean -48.950144 49.261093 81.123904 57.824801 -707.448878 -599.705905 -708.391425 2.374076 18.988277 158.659749 1.439415 -0.126942 -708.015756 38.696831 -0.011861 -0.015815 46.714062 -0.018781 0.051797 41.627231 -0.008214 209.933695 0.980171 -348.946684 -399.883839 -399.896234 -691.309277 -708.150605 -708.153058 73.248856
std 406.233686 35.425422 40.435560 63.291314 454.928791 659.129589 453.461222 0.779895 21.767376 116.237589 0.845026 1.194503 454.043330 22.421603 1.213344 1.816023 22.174519 1.264147 1.814055 32.324457 1.812777 126.910079 0.979271 533.155176 489.467786 489.457747 480.435230 453.834190 453.830095 98.467134
min -999.000000 0.000000 6.810000 0.000000 -999.000000 -999.000000 -999.000000 0.237000 0.000000 46.103000 0.055000 -1.414000 -999.000000 20.000000 -2.499000 -3.142000 26.000000 -2.508000 -3.142000 0.051000 -3.142000 13.847000 0.000000 -999.000000 -999.000000 -999.000000 -999.000000 -999.000000 -999.000000 -0.000000
25% 78.167750 19.313000 59.422000 14.192000 -999.000000 -999.000000 -999.000000 1.815000 2.838000 77.471000 0.886000 -1.371000 -999.000000 24.582000 -0.926000 -1.588000 32.378000 -1.011000 -1.508000 21.374000 -1.574000 122.984750 0.000000 -999.000000 -999.000000 -999.000000 -999.000000 -999.000000 -999.000000 0.000000
50% 105.076000 46.455500 73.747000 38.469500 -999.000000 -999.000000 -999.000000 2.492000 12.390000 120.701500 1.282000 -0.356000 -999.000000 31.770000 -0.021000 -0.042000 40.561500 -0.038000 0.097000 34.758000 -0.017000 179.949000 1.000000 38.970000 -1.862000 -2.111000 -999.000000 -999.000000 -999.000000 40.503500
75% 130.769000 73.646000 92.173000 79.234250 0.503000 84.266250 -4.538000 2.962000 27.649000 201.018000 1.779000 1.230000 0.000000 44.883000 0.899000 1.557000 53.387000 0.956000 1.617000 51.922000 1.558000 263.917250 2.000000 75.499000 0.431000 0.484000 33.832000 -2.429000 -2.260000 110.507000
max 1949.261000 968.669000 1264.965000 1337.187000 8.724000 4794.827000 17.294000 5.751000 759.363000 2079.162000 32.228000 1.414000 1.000000 627.023000 2.500000 3.142000 701.328000 2.506000 3.142000 1254.363000 3.142000 2190.275000 3.000000 1163.439000 4.500000 3.142000 817.801000 4.500000 3.142000 1860.175000
train.shape, test.shape
((250000, 32), (550000, 30))

Exploratory Data Analysis

#Splitting into X and y
X = train.drop(['Label','Weight'], axis = 1)
y = pd.factorize(train['Label'])[0]
print('Shape of X: {}'.format(X.shape))
print('Shape of y: {}'.format(y.shape))
Shape of X: (250000, 30)
Shape of y: (250000,)

Let us look at the Class Ratio in our dataset.

#Let's see the count of each class in our label
ax = sns.countplot(train['Label']);
for p in ax.patches:
        ax.annotate('{:d}'.format(p.get_height()), (p.get_x()+0.3, p.get_height()+5));

Looks like we do indeed have an imbalanced dataset. Considering this, accuracy would not be a good metric of performance. F1 score would be a better fit.

Univariate Analysis

Finding distribution of each Feature

#Plotting Distribution of each feature

for i in range(np.shape(train)[1]-1):
    ax = fig.add_subplot(8,4,i+1)
    ax = sns.distplot(train.iloc[:,i], color = 'dodgerblue')
    ax.set_title("Feature "+ train.columns[i] +" distribution")

From the above, we see a lot of features that are skewed in nature. Hence, we will be log transforming them later.

Finding the distribution of Data Per Class

#Plotting Distribution of features per class

for i in range(np.shape(train)[1]-2):
    ax = fig.add_subplot(6,5,i+1)
    ax = sns.distplot(train[train['Label'] == 's'].iloc[:,i],label="Class S", color = "blue")
    ax = sns.distplot(train[train['Label'] == 'b'].iloc[:,i],label="Class B", color = "grey")
    ax.set_title("Feature "+ train.columns[i] +" distribution per class")

Bivariate Analysis


for i in range(np.shape(train)[1]-2):
    ax = fig.add_subplot(6,5,i+1)
    ax = sns.violinplot(train.iloc[:,i],train['Label'])
    ax.set_title("Feature "+ train.columns[i] +" distribution per class")

Finding highly correlated Features - and printing the pairs of highly correlated features with threshold of 0.85

DER_mass_MMC DER_mass_transverse_met_lep DER_mass_vis DER_pt_h DER_deltaeta_jet_jet DER_mass_jet_jet DER_prodeta_jet_jet DER_deltar_tau_lep DER_pt_tot DER_sum_pt DER_pt_ratio_lep_tau DER_met_phi_centrality DER_lep_eta_centrality PRI_tau_pt PRI_tau_eta PRI_tau_phi PRI_lep_pt PRI_lep_eta PRI_lep_phi PRI_met PRI_met_phi PRI_met_sumet PRI_jet_num PRI_jet_leading_pt PRI_jet_leading_eta PRI_jet_leading_phi PRI_jet_subleading_pt PRI_jet_subleading_eta PRI_jet_subleading_phi PRI_jet_all_pt Weight
DER_mass_MMC 1.000000 -0.455755 0.168548 0.198765 0.162661 0.160524 0.162521 0.228105 0.045826 0.201464 -0.017073 0.358963 0.162623 0.131495 0.002579 -0.006177 0.099445 0.010060 -0.000744 -0.233724 0.007411 0.221984 0.221078 0.250158 0.247083 0.247078 0.162836 0.162614 0.162609 0.185372 -0.327244
DER_mass_transverse_met_lep -0.455755 1.000000 0.190109 -0.249116 -0.176386 -0.190392 -0.175942 0.043251 0.017758 -0.146837 0.349504 -0.419757 -0.176262 -0.145464 -0.002109 0.001132 0.310648 -0.006777 0.000340 0.183716 -0.015925 -0.167811 -0.210537 -0.229674 -0.220370 -0.220355 -0.176837 -0.176231 -0.176225 -0.210009 0.419843
DER_mass_vis 0.168548 0.190109 1.000000 -0.062562 -0.032251 -0.040620 -0.032126 0.579712 -0.000702 0.088685 0.097490 -0.090846 -0.032220 0.290011 0.002127 -0.003624 0.405482 0.002196 -0.002018 -0.087330 -0.001467 0.053300 -0.026860 -0.019151 -0.013749 -0.013742 -0.033188 -0.032202 -0.032206 -0.052902 0.102172
DER_pt_h 0.198765 -0.249116 -0.062562 1.000000 0.523664 0.534531 0.523639 -0.539379 0.310501 0.832733 0.089187 0.539356 0.523720 0.407421 0.001665 0.005248 0.360939 0.008354 -0.002923 0.679585 0.008585 0.782547 0.623401 0.621599 0.564898 0.564894 0.531647 0.523714 0.523703 0.808616 -0.414084
DER_deltaeta_jet_jet 0.162661 -0.176386 -0.032251 0.523664 1.000000 0.946045 0.999981 -0.299076 0.270878 0.671996 0.041307 0.368492 0.999998 0.188086 0.004866 0.003302 0.168039 0.008678 0.000069 0.305561 0.005245 0.619100 0.867521 0.545027 0.521657 0.521664 0.999346 0.999995 0.999996 0.712446 -0.395375
DER_mass_jet_jet 0.160524 -0.190392 -0.040620 0.534531 0.946045 1.000000 0.944443 -0.303751 0.247771 0.680700 0.027674 0.369803 0.945584 0.204106 0.003584 0.003321 0.164026 0.007602 -0.000596 0.318497 0.005167 0.617057 0.814191 0.521645 0.493233 0.493241 0.947652 0.945505 0.945507 0.719962 -0.394004
DER_prodeta_jet_jet 0.162521 -0.175942 -0.032126 0.523639 0.999981 0.944443 1.000000 -0.299083 0.271435 0.672158 0.041614 0.368177 0.999990 0.187936 0.004880 0.003309 0.168270 0.008692 0.000070 0.305678 0.005254 0.619388 0.867741 0.545022 0.521653 0.521661 0.999347 0.999988 0.999989 0.712620 -0.395004
DER_deltar_tau_lep 0.228105 0.043251 0.579712 -0.539379 -0.299076 -0.303751 -0.299083 1.000000 -0.148081 -0.432603 0.047046 -0.205441 -0.299115 -0.202035 0.003632 -0.011229 -0.069957 0.000699 -0.000776 -0.402345 -0.001570 -0.407002 -0.347904 -0.335851 -0.304161 -0.304145 -0.303416 -0.299107 -0.299101 -0.448737 0.197881
DER_pt_tot 0.045826 0.017758 -0.000702 0.310501 0.270878 0.247771 0.271435 -0.148081 1.000000 0.381160 0.039193 0.178448 0.271058 0.095754 0.003596 0.001452 0.109617 0.007987 -0.004249 0.269739 0.002515 0.448925 0.360409 0.202920 0.186564 0.186590 0.279203 0.271100 0.271091 0.403382 -0.219507
DER_sum_pt 0.201464 -0.146837 0.088685 0.832733 0.671996 0.680700 0.672158 -0.432603 0.381160 1.000000 0.108791 0.420679 0.672116 0.485847 0.002037 0.003931 0.460938 0.008781 -0.001892 0.520129 0.006712 0.904481 0.758503 0.638796 0.578616 0.578621 0.687465 0.672125 0.672114 0.965628 -0.414827
DER_pt_ratio_lep_tau -0.017073 0.349504 0.097490 0.089187 0.041307 0.027674 0.041614 0.047046 0.039193 0.108791 1.000000 -0.038803 0.041411 -0.474633 0.000611 0.000004 0.701142 0.002357 -0.005053 0.053386 -0.001186 0.049904 0.056312 0.049090 0.043323 0.043314 0.042551 0.041435 0.041436 0.079116 0.188398
DER_met_phi_centrality 0.358963 -0.419757 -0.090846 0.539356 0.368492 0.369803 0.368177 -0.205441 0.178448 0.420679 -0.038803 1.000000 0.368417 0.140885 0.005953 -0.001557 0.054047 0.012423 0.000278 0.180756 0.009896 0.423363 0.490057 0.548613 0.534409 0.534399 0.369593 0.368390 0.368381 0.452224 -0.472163
DER_lep_eta_centrality 0.162623 -0.176262 -0.032220 0.523720 0.999998 0.945584 0.999990 -0.299115 0.271058 0.672116 0.041411 0.368417 1.000000 0.188073 0.004870 0.003305 0.168144 0.008683 0.000069 0.305645 0.005249 0.619254 0.867599 0.545035 0.521658 0.521665 0.999355 0.999997 0.999998 0.712568 -0.395273
PRI_tau_pt 0.131495 -0.145464 0.290011 0.407421 0.188086 0.204106 0.187936 -0.202035 0.095754 0.485847 -0.474633 0.140885 0.188073 1.000000 -0.002661 0.000822 0.104553 0.000053 0.003052 0.176665 0.003296 0.448763 0.205604 0.199011 0.170910 0.170919 0.191676 0.188059 0.188049 0.321341 -0.284649
PRI_tau_eta 0.002579 -0.002109 0.002127 0.001665 0.004866 0.003584 0.004880 0.003632 0.003596 0.002037 0.000611 0.005953 0.004870 -0.002661 1.000000 -0.001322 -0.003330 0.557086 0.001705 0.000576 0.000582 0.002841 0.007468 0.009043 0.009792 0.009328 0.004797 0.005065 0.004872 0.003763 -0.005647
PRI_tau_phi -0.006177 0.001132 -0.003624 0.005248 0.003302 0.003321 0.003309 -0.011229 0.001452 0.003931 0.000004 -0.001557 0.003305 0.000822 -0.001322 1.000000 -0.001737 -0.003923 -0.207026 0.006131 0.032923 0.005214 0.003040 0.003696 0.003367 0.002949 0.003382 0.003308 0.003186 0.004844 0.003224
PRI_lep_pt 0.099445 0.310648 0.405482 0.360939 0.168039 0.164026 0.168270 -0.069957 0.109617 0.460938 0.701142 0.054047 0.168144 0.104553 -0.003330 -0.001737 1.000000 0.000337 -0.002936 0.170545 0.000417 0.358488 0.195738 0.183276 0.158860 0.158857 0.171792 0.168157 0.168156 0.295108 -0.020769
PRI_lep_eta 0.010060 -0.006777 0.002196 0.008354 0.008678 0.007602 0.008692 0.000699 0.007987 0.008781 0.002357 0.012423 0.008683 0.000053 0.557086 -0.003923 0.000337 1.000000 0.000890 0.000853 0.001765 0.010231 0.016054 0.020687 0.021661 0.021159 0.008649 0.008887 0.008689 0.010278 -0.019407
PRI_lep_phi -0.000744 0.000340 -0.002018 -0.002923 0.000069 -0.000596 0.000070 -0.000776 -0.004249 -0.001892 -0.005053 0.000278 0.000069 0.003052 0.001705 -0.207026 -0.002936 0.000890 1.000000 -0.002168 0.023157 -0.005706 -0.000040 0.000214 0.000544 -0.000104 -0.000003 0.000062 -0.000094 -0.002270 -0.002239
PRI_met -0.233724 0.183716 -0.087330 0.679585 0.305561 0.318497 0.305678 -0.402345 0.269739 0.520129 0.053386 0.180756 0.305645 0.176665 0.000576 0.006131 0.170545 0.000853 -0.002168 1.000000 0.000842 0.486252 0.334922 0.299557 0.252509 0.252520 0.312844 0.305655 0.305645 0.535217 -0.116031
PRI_met_phi 0.007411 -0.015925 -0.001467 0.008585 0.005245 0.005167 0.005254 -0.001570 0.002515 0.006712 -0.001186 0.009896 0.005249 0.003296 0.000582 0.032923 0.000417 0.001765 0.023157 0.000842 1.000000 0.004654 0.006575 0.006805 0.006455 0.005803 0.005311 0.005238 0.005099 0.007076 -0.009315
PRI_met_sumet 0.221984 -0.167811 0.053300 0.782547 0.619100 0.617057 0.619388 -0.407002 0.448925 0.904481 0.049904 0.423363 0.619254 0.448763 0.002841 0.005214 0.358488 0.010231 -0.005706 0.486252 0.004654 1.000000 0.705882 0.595121 0.541377 0.541389 0.633111 0.619272 0.619264 0.884413 -0.427235
PRI_jet_num 0.221078 -0.210537 -0.026860 0.623401 0.867521 0.814191 0.867741 -0.347904 0.360409 0.758503 0.056312 0.490057 0.867599 0.205604 0.007468 0.003040 0.195738 0.016054 -0.000040 0.334922 0.006575 0.705882 1.000000 0.832493 0.817360 0.817367 0.869621 0.867614 0.867610 0.804326 -0.494702
PRI_jet_leading_pt 0.250158 -0.229674 -0.019151 0.621599 0.545027 0.521645 0.545022 -0.335851 0.202920 0.638796 0.049090 0.548613 0.545035 0.199011 0.009043 0.003696 0.183276 0.020687 0.000214 0.299557 0.006805 0.595121 0.832493 1.000000 0.996100 0.996100 0.546079 0.545033 0.545033 0.667325 -0.511838
PRI_jet_leading_eta 0.247083 -0.220370 -0.013749 0.564898 0.521657 0.493233 0.521653 -0.304161 0.186564 0.578616 0.043323 0.534409 0.521658 0.170910 0.009792 0.003367 0.158860 0.021661 0.000544 0.252509 0.006455 0.541377 0.817360 0.996100 1.000000 0.999992 0.521322 0.521656 0.521657 0.608205 -0.502730
PRI_jet_leading_phi 0.247078 -0.220355 -0.013742 0.564894 0.521664 0.493241 0.521661 -0.304145 0.186590 0.578621 0.043314 0.534399 0.521665 0.170919 0.009328 0.002949 0.158857 0.021159 -0.000104 0.252520 0.005803 0.541389 0.817367 0.996100 0.999992 1.000000 0.521329 0.521664 0.521664 0.608210 -0.502727
PRI_jet_subleading_pt 0.162836 -0.176837 -0.033188 0.531647 0.999346 0.947652 0.999347 -0.303416 0.279203 0.687465 0.042551 0.369593 0.999355 0.191676 0.004797 0.003382 0.171792 0.008649 -0.000003 0.312844 0.005311 0.633111 0.869621 0.546079 0.521322 0.521329 1.000000 0.999352 0.999352 0.729042 -0.395909
PRI_jet_subleading_eta 0.162614 -0.176231 -0.032202 0.523714 0.999995 0.945505 0.999988 -0.299107 0.271100 0.672125 0.041435 0.368390 0.999997 0.188059 0.005065 0.003308 0.168157 0.008887 0.000062 0.305655 0.005238 0.619272 0.867614 0.545033 0.521656 0.521664 0.999352 1.000000 0.999995 0.712577 -0.395245
PRI_jet_subleading_phi 0.162609 -0.176225 -0.032206 0.523703 0.999996 0.945507 0.999989 -0.299101 0.271091 0.672114 0.041436 0.368381 0.999998 0.188049 0.004872 0.003186 0.168156 0.008689 -0.000094 0.305645 0.005099 0.619264 0.867610 0.545033 0.521657 0.521664 0.999352 0.999995 1.000000 0.712568 -0.395244
PRI_jet_all_pt 0.185372 -0.210009 -0.052902 0.808616 0.712446 0.719962 0.712620 -0.448737 0.403382 0.965628 0.079116 0.452224 0.712568 0.321341 0.003763 0.004844 0.295108 0.010278 -0.002270 0.535217 0.007076 0.884413 0.804326 0.667325 0.608205 0.608210 0.729042 0.712577 0.712568 1.000000 -0.419934
Weight -0.327244 0.419843 0.102172 -0.414084 -0.395375 -0.394004 -0.395004 0.197881 -0.219507 -0.414827 0.188398 -0.472163 -0.395273 -0.284649 -0.005647 0.003224 -0.020769 -0.019407 -0.002239 -0.116031 -0.009315 -0.427235 -0.494702 -0.511838 -0.502730 -0.502727 -0.395909 -0.395245 -0.395244 -0.419934 1.000000

Printing out the highly correlated features along with their correlation

#List to store the features with high correlation as tuples
#Setting a threshold of 0.9 of correlation
for i in X.columns:
    #Finding the correlated features greater than the threshold
    corr_features=temp[(abs(temp)>threshold) & (temp.index!=i)].index.values
    #Adding the correlated features into a list keeping in mind that there is only one occurrence of the feature combination
        for j in corr_features:
                for x in feat:
                    if set(x) != set(features):
                #[feat.append(features) for x in feat if not (set(x)==set(features))]
print("The highly correlated features are given below")
for i in feat:
    print('Features '+i[0]+' and '+i[1]+' are correlated with a correlation index of '+ str(np.round(corr,2)))
The highly correlated features are given below
Features DER_deltaeta_jet_jet and DER_mass_jet_jet are correlated with a correlation index of 0.95
Features DER_deltaeta_jet_jet and DER_prodeta_jet_jet are correlated with a correlation index of 1.0
Features DER_deltaeta_jet_jet and DER_lep_eta_centrality are correlated with a correlation index of 1.0
Features DER_deltaeta_jet_jet and PRI_jet_subleading_pt are correlated with a correlation index of 1.0
Features DER_deltaeta_jet_jet and PRI_jet_subleading_eta are correlated with a correlation index of 1.0
Features DER_deltaeta_jet_jet and PRI_jet_subleading_phi are correlated with a correlation index of 1.0
Features DER_mass_jet_jet and DER_prodeta_jet_jet are correlated with a correlation index of 0.94
Features DER_mass_jet_jet and DER_lep_eta_centrality are correlated with a correlation index of 0.95
Features DER_mass_jet_jet and PRI_jet_subleading_pt are correlated with a correlation index of 0.95
Features DER_mass_jet_jet and PRI_jet_subleading_eta are correlated with a correlation index of 0.95
Features DER_mass_jet_jet and PRI_jet_subleading_phi are correlated with a correlation index of 0.95
Features DER_prodeta_jet_jet and DER_lep_eta_centrality are correlated with a correlation index of 1.0
Features DER_prodeta_jet_jet and PRI_jet_subleading_pt are correlated with a correlation index of 1.0
Features DER_prodeta_jet_jet and PRI_jet_subleading_eta are correlated with a correlation index of 1.0
Features DER_prodeta_jet_jet and PRI_jet_subleading_phi are correlated with a correlation index of 1.0
Features DER_sum_pt and PRI_met_sumet are correlated with a correlation index of 0.9
Features DER_sum_pt and PRI_jet_all_pt are correlated with a correlation index of 0.97
Features DER_lep_eta_centrality and PRI_jet_subleading_pt are correlated with a correlation index of 1.0
Features DER_lep_eta_centrality and PRI_jet_subleading_eta are correlated with a correlation index of 1.0
Features DER_lep_eta_centrality and PRI_jet_subleading_phi are correlated with a correlation index of 1.0
Features PRI_jet_leading_pt and PRI_jet_leading_eta are correlated with a correlation index of 1.0
Features PRI_jet_leading_pt and PRI_jet_leading_phi are correlated with a correlation index of 1.0
Features PRI_jet_leading_eta and PRI_jet_leading_phi are correlated with a correlation index of 1.0
Features PRI_jet_subleading_pt and PRI_jet_subleading_eta are correlated with a correlation index of 1.0
Features PRI_jet_subleading_pt and PRI_jet_subleading_phi are correlated with a correlation index of 1.0
Features PRI_jet_subleading_eta and PRI_jet_subleading_phi are correlated with a correlation index of 1.0

Getting the Data Ready

Since we have an imbalanced dataset, we are using SMOTE for upsampling and downsampling our dataset.

A) Dropping Highly Correlated Features

Correlation implies that there is little information contained in any linear combination of the concerned features. Removing the correlation by reducing the number of features through PCA, ICA, etc. can be seen to smooth out noise and simplify the model.

count = {}
for i, j in feat:
    if i in count.keys():
        count[i]+= 1
        count[i] = 1
    if j in count.keys():
        count[j]+= 1
        count[j] = 1
for k, v in count.items():
    if v > 2:
        X.drop(k, axis = 1, inplace = True)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 250000 entries, 100000 to 349999
Data columns (total 23 columns):
 #   Column                       Non-Null Count   Dtype  
---  ------                       --------------   -----  
 0   DER_mass_MMC                 250000 non-null  float64
 1   DER_mass_transverse_met_lep  250000 non-null  float64
 2   DER_mass_vis                 250000 non-null  float64
 3   DER_pt_h                     250000 non-null  float64
 4   DER_deltar_tau_lep           250000 non-null  float64
 5   DER_pt_tot                   250000 non-null  float64
 6   DER_sum_pt                   250000 non-null  float64
 7   DER_pt_ratio_lep_tau         250000 non-null  float64
 8   DER_met_phi_centrality       250000 non-null  float64
 9   PRI_tau_pt                   250000 non-null  float64
 10  PRI_tau_eta                  250000 non-null  float64
 11  PRI_tau_phi                  250000 non-null  float64
 12  PRI_lep_pt                   250000 non-null  float64
 13  PRI_lep_eta                  250000 non-null  float64
 14  PRI_lep_phi                  250000 non-null  float64
 15  PRI_met                      250000 non-null  float64
 16  PRI_met_phi                  250000 non-null  float64
 17  PRI_met_sumet                250000 non-null  float64
 18  PRI_jet_num                  250000 non-null  int64  
 19  PRI_jet_leading_pt           250000 non-null  float64
 20  PRI_jet_leading_eta          250000 non-null  float64
 21  PRI_jet_leading_phi          250000 non-null  float64
 22  PRI_jet_all_pt               250000 non-null  float64
dtypes: float64(22), int64(1)
memory usage: 55.8 MB

B) Log Transformation of the features

The log transformation is, arguably, the most popular among the different types of transformations used to transform skewed data to approximately conform to normality. If the original data follows a log-normal distribution or approximately so, then the log-transformed data follows a normal or near normal distribution.

from sklearn.preprocessing import FunctionTransformer

transformer = FunctionTransformer(np.log2, validate = True)

log_features = ['DER_mass_transverse_met_lep', 'DER_mass_vis',
       'DER_pt_h', 'DER_pt_tot', 'DER_sum_pt',
       'DER_pt_ratio_lep_tau', 'PRI_tau_pt',
       'PRI_met', 'PRI_met_sumet']      

X = X[log_features].applymap(lambda x: np.log(x+1))

for i in log_features:
    plt.title("After Log transformation for " +i)

C) SMOTE Technique

The challenge of working with imbalanced datasets is that most machine learning techniques will ignore, and in turn have poor performance on, the minority class, although typically it is performance on the minority class that is most important.

One approach to addressing imbalanced datasets is to oversample the minority class. The simplest approach involves duplicating examples in the minority class, although these examples don’t add any new information to the model. Instead, new examples can be synthesized from the existing examples. This is a type of data augmentation for the minority class and is referred to as the Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique, or SMOTE for short.

counter = Counter(y)
print('Before', counter)

smt = SMOTE()

#oversampling using SMOTE
X_sm, y_sm = smt.fit_resample(X,y)

counter = Counter(y_sm)
print('After', counter)

#Creating a Resampled Dataframe
X_sm_df = pd.DataFrame(X_sm, columns=X.columns)
y_sm_df = pd.DataFrame(y_sm, columns = ['Label'])
Before Counter({1: 164333, 0: 85667})
After Counter({0: 164333, 1: 164333})
temp_df = pd.concat([X_sm_df,y_sm_df],axis=1)

f, axes = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 4), dpi=100)
sns.distplot(temp_df[temp_df['Label']==0]['PRI_met_sumet'],label='After Resampling',color='red')
sns.distplot(np.log(train[train['Label']=='s']['PRI_met_sumet']),label='Before Resampling',color='blue')
plt.title('Distribution of Class "s" with SMOTE', fontsize=14);

sns.distplot(temp_df[temp_df['Label']==1]['PRI_met_sumet'],label='After Resampling',color='red')
sns.distplot(np.log(train[train['Label']=='b']['PRI_met_sumet']),label='Before Resampling',color='blue')
plt.title('Distribution of Class "b" with SMOTE', fontsize=14);

If you look at the X axis, clearly the upsampling has happened.

Utility Functions to make Model building and Cross-validation easier.

def cv_optimize(clf, parameters, X, y, n_jobs=1, n_folds=5, score_func=None,oob_func=False):
    if ((not oob_func) and score_func):
        print("SCORE FUNC", score_func)
        gs = GridSearchCV(clf, param_grid=parameters, cv=n_folds, n_jobs=n_jobs, scoring=score_func)
    elif oob_func:
        results = {}
        estimators= {}
        for n_est,mf,md in product(*parameters.values()):
            params = (n_est,mf,md)
            clf = RandomForestClassifier(random_state = 2017, n_estimators = n_est, max_features = mf, max_depth = md, oob_score=True, n_jobs = -1)
            results[params] = clf.oob_score_
            estimators[params] = clf
        outparams = max(results, key = results.get)
        print("Best Params: ",outparams)
        best_estimator = estimators[outparams]
        print("Training Score: ",best_estimator.score(X, y)) 
        print("OOB Score: ",best_estimator.oob_score_)
        return best_estimator

        gs = GridSearchCV(clf, param_grid=parameters, n_jobs=n_jobs, cv=n_folds)
   , y)
    print("BEST", gs.best_params_, gs.best_score_)
    best = gs.best_estimator_
    return best

def do_classify(clf, parameters, indf,y,score_func, n_folds=5, n_jobs=1,oob_func=False):
    if oob_func:
        clf = cv_optimize(clf, parameters, Xtrain, ytrain, n_jobs=n_jobs, n_folds=n_folds, oob_func=True)
        clf = cv_optimize(clf, parameters, Xtrain, ytrain, n_jobs=n_jobs, n_folds=n_folds, score_func=score_func)
    training_accuracy = clf.score(Xtrain, ytrain)
    test_accuracy = clf.score(Xtest, ytest)
    print("############# based on standard predict ################")
    print("Accuracy on training data: %0.2f" % (training_accuracy))
    print("Accuracy on test data:     %0.2f" % (test_accuracy))
    print(confusion_matrix(ytest, clf.predict(Xtest)))
    return clf, Xtrain, ytrain, Xtest,ytest

def make_roc(name, clf, ytest, xtest, ax=None, labe=5,  proba=True, skip=0, initial = False):
    if not ax:
    if proba:
        fpr, tpr, thresholds=roc_curve(ytest, clf.predict_proba(xtest)[:,1])
        fpr, tpr, thresholds=roc_curve(ytest, clf.decision_function(xtest))
    roc_auc = auc(fpr, tpr)
    if skip:
        ax.plot(fpr[0:l:skip], tpr[0:l:skip], '.-', lw=2, alpha=0.4, label='ROC curve for %s (area = %0.2f)' % (name, roc_auc))
        ax.plot(fpr, tpr, '.-', lw=2, alpha=0.4, label='ROC curve for %s (area = %0.2f)' % (name, roc_auc))
    label_kwargs = {}
    label_kwargs['bbox'] = dict(
        boxstyle='round,pad=0.3', alpha=0.2,
    for k in range(0, fpr.shape[0],labe):
        threshold = str(np.round(thresholds[k], 2))
        ax.annotate(threshold, (fpr[k], tpr[k]), **label_kwargs)
    if initial:
        ax.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--')
        ax.set_xlim([0.0, 1.0])
        ax.set_ylim([0.0, 1.05])
        ax.set_xlabel('False Positive Rate')
        ax.set_ylabel('True Positive Rate')
    ax.legend(loc="lower right")
    return ax

def make_pr(name,clf,ytest,xtest,ax=None):
    scores = clf.predict_proba(xtest)[:,1]
    precision, recall, _ = precision_recall_curve(ytest, scores)
    ax.plot(recall,precision,'*-',label="Precision-Recall Curve for %s (area = %0.2f)" % (name,average_precision_score(ytest,scores)) )
    ax.set_xlabel('Recall', fontsize=12)
    ax.set_ylabel('Precision', fontsize=12)
    return ax

def calibration_plot(name,clf, xtest, ytest):

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,1,figsize=(8,15))
    fop, mpv = calibration_curve(ytest,clf.predict_proba(xtest)[:,1], n_bins=20)
    count = 0
    ax[0].plot(mpv, fop, marker='*',label="Calibration curve for %s" %(name))
    ax[1].hist(clf.predict_proba(xtest)[:, 1], range=(0, 1), bins=20)

def p_importance(model, cols, fi, fistd = 0):
    return pd.DataFrame({'features':cols, 'importance':fi, 'importance_std': fistd}
                       ).sort_values('importance', ascending=False)

def plot_perm_importance(name,model,Xtest,ytest,last=False,number=10):
    imp = permutation_importance(model,Xtest,ytest)


    if last:
    plt.title("Bar plot of Importances for %s"%(name));
    return xgf_df

Setting up Baseline Model

When trying to develop a scientific understanding of the world, most fields start with broad strokes before exploring important details. In Physics for example, we start with simple models (Newtonian physics) and progressively dive into more complex ones (Relativity) as we learn which of our initial assumptions were wrong. This allows us to solve problems efficiently, by reasoning at the simplest useful level.

Fundamentally, a baseline is a model that is both simple to set up and has a reasonable chance of providing decent results. Experimenting with them is usually quick and low cost, since implementations are widely available in popular packages.

In our case, we shall take Logistic Regression as our baseline model to set the line on which we will further improve model performance.

Setting up Pipeline for Baseline Logistic Regression Model

# set up standardization
ss = StandardScaler()

# oe hot encoding
oh = OneHotEncoder()

cont_vars = X.columns.to_list()
cat_vars = []

# continuous variables need to be standardized
cont_pipe = Pipeline([("scale", ss)])

# categorical variables need to be one hot encoded
cat_pipe = Pipeline([('onehot', oh)])

# combine both into a transformer
transformers = [('cont', cont_pipe, cont_vars), ('cat', cat_pipe, cat_vars)]

# apply transformer to relevant columns. Nothing will be done for the rest
ct = ColumnTransformer(transformers=transformers, remainder="passthrough")

# create a pipeline so that we are not leaking data from validation to train in the individual folds
pipe = Pipeline(steps=[('ct', ct), ('model', LogisticRegression(max_iter=10000, penalty='l2'))])

# in paramgrid we dont use C but use model__C corresponding to the name in the pipeline
paramgrid = dict(model__C=[1000, 100, 10])

#Now we train our model. Our do_classify takes care of subsetting the data and pickinging up the target variable.We score using the AUC on the validation sets.
lr, Xtrain, ytrain, Xtest, ytest = do_classify(pipe, paramgrid,X, y, score_func='roc_auc')
SCORE FUNC roc_auc
BEST {'model__C': 1000} 0.7648091685625714
############# based on standard predict ################
Accuracy on training data: 0.71
Accuracy on test data:     0.72
[[ 7153  9946]
 [ 4287 28614]]
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.63      0.42      0.50     17099
           1       0.74      0.87      0.80     32901

    accuracy                           0.72     50000
   macro avg       0.68      0.64      0.65     50000
weighted avg       0.70      0.72      0.70     50000


make_roc('logistic', lr, ytest , Xtest, ax=ax[0],labe=1000, initial = False)
make_pr('logistic', lr, ytest, Xtest,ax=ax[1]);
 calibration_plot("Logistic Regression Model",lr, Xtest, ytest)

From above, we are able to infer that the accuracy achieved is around 71% for the Logistic Regression model with the F1 Score being an avg of 70%. The data fed into this is imbalanced. Perhaps, that may be the reason why the accuracy dipped.

Setting up Pipeline for Decision Tree Classifier

Decision Tree algorithm belongs to the family of supervised learning algorithms. Unlike other supervised learning algorithms, the decision tree algorithm can be used for solving regression and classification problems too.

The goal of using a Decision Tree is to create a training model that can use to predict the class or value of the target variable by learning simple decision rules inferred from prior data(training data).

In Decision Trees, for predicting a class label for a record we start from the root of the tree. We compare the values of the root attribute with the record’s attribute. On the basis of comparison, we follow the branch corresponding to that value and jump to the next node.

# Create a pipeline so that we are not leaking data from validation to train in the individual folds
dt = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=142)
paramgrid_dt = {'max_depth':range(1,9),'min_samples_leaf':range(3,5),'criterion':['gini']}

dt, Xtrain, ytrain, Xtest,ytest = do_classify(dt, paramgrid_dt,X_sm,y_sm,'roc_auc',n_folds=5,n_jobs=-1)
SCORE FUNC roc_auc
BEST {'criterion': 'gini', 'max_depth': 8, 'min_samples_leaf': 4} 0.8628696424034761
############# based on standard predict ################
Accuracy on training data: 0.79
Accuracy on test data:     0.78
[[25850  7146]
 [ 7057 25681]]
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.79      0.78      0.78     32996
           1       0.78      0.78      0.78     32738

    accuracy                           0.78     65734
   macro avg       0.78      0.78      0.78     65734
weighted avg       0.78      0.78      0.78     65734

colors = [None, None,['red','blue'],]
dt_viz = dtreeviz(dt, X_sm,y_sm,
               feature_names = X_sm.columns,
               target_name = 'Label', class_names= ['Yes','No'],orientation = 'TD',
findfont: Font family ['Arial'] not found. Falling back to DejaVu Sans.
findfont: Font family ['Arial'] not found. Falling back to DejaVu Sans.
findfont: Font family ['Arial'] not found. Falling back to DejaVu Sans."DecisionTree.svg")
from IPython.display import SVG, display

G cluster_legend node7 leaf8 node7->leaf8 leaf9 node7->leaf9 leaf10 node6 node6->node7 node11 node6->leaf10 node12 node15 leaf13 node12->leaf13 leaf14 node12->leaf14 leaf16 node15->leaf16 leaf17 node15->leaf17 node11->node12 node11->node15 node5 node5->node6 node5->node11 node18 node20 node23 leaf21 node20->leaf21 leaf22 node20->leaf22 leaf24 node23->leaf24 leaf25 node23->leaf25 node19 node19->node20 node19->node23 node26 node27 node30 leaf28 node27->leaf28 leaf29 node27->leaf29 leaf31 node30->leaf31 leaf32 node30->leaf32 node26->node27 node26->node30 node18->node19 node18->node26 node4 node4->node5 node4->node18 node33 node36 node39 leaf37 node36->leaf37 leaf38 node36->leaf38 leaf40 node39->leaf40 leaf41 node39->leaf41 node35 node35->node36 node35->node39 node42 node43 node46 leaf44 node43->leaf44 leaf45 node43->leaf45 leaf47 node46->leaf47 leaf48 node46->leaf48 node42->node43 node42->node46 node34 node34->node35 node34->node42 node49 node51 node54 leaf52 node51->leaf52 leaf53 node51->leaf53 leaf55 node54->leaf55 leaf56 node54->leaf56 node50 node50->node51 node50->node54 node57 node58 node61 leaf59 node58->leaf59 leaf60 node58->leaf60 leaf62 node61->leaf62 leaf63 node61->leaf63 node57->node58 node57->node61 node49->node50 node49->node57 node33->node34 node33->node49 node3 node3->node4 node3->node33 node64 node68 node71 leaf69 node68->leaf69 leaf70 node68->leaf70 leaf72 node71->leaf72 leaf73 node71->leaf73 node67 node67->node68 node67->node71 node74 node75 node78 leaf76 node75->leaf76 leaf77 node75->leaf77 leaf79 node78->leaf79 leaf80 node78->leaf80 node74->node75 node74->node78 node66 node66->node67 node66->node74 node81 node83 node86 leaf84 node83->leaf84 leaf85 node83->leaf85 leaf87 node86->leaf87 leaf88 node86->leaf88 node82 node82->node83 node82->node86 node89 node90 node93 leaf91 node90->leaf91 leaf92 node90->leaf92 leaf94 node93->leaf94 leaf95 node93->leaf95 node89->node90 node89->node93 node81->node82 node81->node89 node65 node65->node66 node65->node81 node96 node99 node102 leaf100 node99->leaf100 leaf101 node99->leaf101 leaf103 node102->leaf103 leaf104 node102->leaf104 node98 node98->node99 node98->node102 node105 node106 node109 leaf107 node106->leaf107 leaf108 node106->leaf108 leaf110 node109->leaf110 leaf111 node109->leaf111 node105->node106 node105->node109 node97 node97->node98 node97->node105 node112 node114 node117 leaf115 node114->leaf115 leaf116 node114->leaf116 leaf118 node117->leaf118 leaf119 node117->leaf119 node113 node113->node114 node113->node117 node120 node121 node124 leaf122 node121->leaf122 leaf123 node121->leaf123 leaf125 node124->leaf125 leaf126 node124->leaf126 node120->node121 node120->node124 node112->node113 node112->node120 node96->node97 node96->node112 node64->node65 node64->node96 node2 node2->node3 node2->node64 node127 node132 node135 leaf133 node132->leaf133 leaf134 node132->leaf134 leaf136 node135->leaf136 leaf137 node135->leaf137 node131 node131->node132 node131->node135 node138 node139 node142 leaf140 node139->leaf140 leaf141 node139->leaf141 leaf143 node142->leaf143 leaf144 node142->leaf144 node138->node139 node138->node142 node130 node130->node131 node130->node138 node145 node147 node150 leaf148 node147->leaf148 leaf149 node147->leaf149 leaf151 node150->leaf151 leaf152 node150->leaf152 node146 node146->node147 node146->node150 node153 node154 node157 leaf155 node154->leaf155 leaf156 node154->leaf156 leaf158 node157->leaf158 leaf159 node157->leaf159 node153->node154 node153->node157 node145->node146 node145->node153 node129 node129->node130 node129->node145 node160 node163 node166 leaf164 node163->leaf164 leaf165 node163->leaf165 leaf167 node166->leaf167 leaf168 node166->leaf168 node162 node162->node163 node162->node166 node169 node170 node173 leaf171 node170->leaf171 leaf172 node170->leaf172 leaf174 node173->leaf174 leaf175 node173->leaf175 node169->node170 node169->node173 node161 node161->node162 node161->node169 node176 node178 node181 leaf179 node178->leaf179 leaf180 node178->leaf180 leaf182 node181->leaf182 leaf183 node181->leaf183 node177 node177->node178 node177->node181 node184 node185 node188 leaf186 node185->leaf186 leaf187 node185->leaf187 leaf189 node188->leaf189 leaf190 node188->leaf190 node184->node185 node184->node188 node176->node177 node176->node184 node160->node161 node160->node176 node128 node128->node129 node128->node160 node191 node195 node198 leaf196 node195->leaf196 leaf197 node195->leaf197 leaf199 node198->leaf199 leaf200 node198->leaf200 node194 node194->node195 node194->node198 node201 node202 node205 leaf203 node202->leaf203 leaf204 node202->leaf204 leaf206 node205->leaf206 leaf207 node205->leaf207 node201->node202 node201->node205 node193 node193->node194 node193->node201 node208 node210 node213 leaf211 node210->leaf211 leaf212 node210->leaf212 leaf214 node213->leaf214 leaf215 node213->leaf215 node209 node209->node210 node209->node213 node216 node217 node220 leaf218 node217->leaf218 leaf219 node217->leaf219 leaf221 node220->leaf221 leaf222 node220->leaf222 node216->node217 node216->node220 node208->node209 node208->node216 node192 node192->node193 node192->node208 node223 node226 node229 leaf227 node226->leaf227 leaf228 node226->leaf228 leaf230 node229->leaf230 leaf231 node229->leaf231 node225 node225->node226 node225->node229 node232 node233 node236 leaf234 node233->leaf234 leaf235 node233->leaf235 leaf237 node236->leaf237 leaf238 node236->leaf238 node232->node233 node232->node236 node224 node224->node225 node224->node232 node239 node241 node244 leaf242 node241->leaf242 leaf243 node241->leaf243 leaf245 node244->leaf245 leaf246 node244->leaf246 node240 node240->node241 node240->node244 node247 node248 node251 leaf249 node248->leaf249 leaf250 node248->leaf250 leaf252 node251->leaf252 leaf253 node251->leaf253 node247->node248 node247->node251 node239->node240 node239->node247 node223->node224 node223->node239 node191->node192 node191->node223 node127->node128 node127->node191 node1 node1->node2 node1->node127 node254 node260 node263 leaf261 node260->leaf261 leaf262 node260->leaf262 leaf264 node263->leaf264 leaf265 node263->leaf265 node259 node259->node260 node259->node263 node266 node267 node270 leaf268 node267->leaf268 leaf269 node267->leaf269 leaf271 node270->leaf271 leaf272 node270->leaf272 node266->node267 node266->node270 node258 node258->node259 node258->node266 node273 node275 node278 leaf276 node275->leaf276 leaf277 node275->leaf277 leaf279 node278->leaf279 leaf280 node278->leaf280 node274 node274->node275 node274->node278 node281 node282 leaf283 node282->leaf283 leaf284 node282->leaf284 leaf285 node281->node282 node281->leaf285 node273->node274 node273->node281 node257 node257->node258 node257->node273 node286 node289 node292 leaf290 node289->leaf290 leaf291 node289->leaf291 leaf293 node292->leaf293 leaf294 node292->leaf294 node288 node288->node289 node288->node292 node295 node296 node299 leaf297 node296->leaf297 leaf298 node296->leaf298 leaf300 node299->leaf300 leaf301 node299->leaf301 node295->node296 node295->node299 node287 node287->node288 node287->node295 node302 node304 node307 leaf305 node304->leaf305 leaf306 node304->leaf306 leaf308 node307->leaf308 leaf309 node307->leaf309 node303 node303->node304 node303->node307 node310 node311 node314 leaf312 node311->leaf312 leaf313 node311->leaf313 leaf315 node314->leaf315 leaf316 node314->leaf316 node310->node311 node310->node314 node302->node303 node302->node310 node286->node287 node286->node302 node256 node256->node257 node256->node286 node317 node321 node324 leaf322 node321->leaf322 leaf323 node321->leaf323 leaf325 node324->leaf325 leaf326 node324->leaf326 node320 node320->node321 node320->node324 node327 node328 node331 leaf329 node328->leaf329 leaf330 node328->leaf330 leaf332 node331->leaf332 leaf333 node331->leaf333 node327->node328 node327->node331 node319 node319->node320 node319->node327 node334 node336 node339 leaf337 node336->leaf337 leaf338 node336->leaf338 leaf340 node339->leaf340 leaf341 node339->leaf341 node335 node335->node336 node335->node339 node342 node343 node346 leaf344 node343->leaf344 leaf345 node343->leaf345 leaf347 node346->leaf347 leaf348 node346->leaf348 node342->node343 node342->node346 node334->node335 node334->node342 node318 node318->node319 node318->node334 node349 node351 node354 leaf352 node351->leaf352 leaf353 node351->leaf353 node355 leaf356 node355->leaf356 leaf357 node355->leaf357 leaf358 node354->node355 node354->leaf358 node350 node350->node351 node350->node354 node359 node361 node364 leaf362 node361->leaf362 leaf363 node361->leaf363 leaf365 node364->leaf365 leaf366 node364->leaf366 node360 node360->node361 node360->node364 node367 node368 node371 leaf369 node368->leaf369 leaf370 node368->leaf370 leaf372 node371->leaf372 leaf373 node371->leaf373 node367->node368 node367->node371 node359->node360 node359->node367 node349->node350 node349->node359 node317->node318 node317->node349 node255 node255->node256 node255->node317 node374 node379 node382 leaf380 node379->leaf380 leaf381 node379->leaf381 leaf383 node382->leaf383 leaf384 node382->leaf384 node378 node378->node379 node378->node382 node385 node386 node389 leaf387 node386->leaf387 leaf388 node386->leaf388 leaf390 node389->leaf390 leaf391 node389->leaf391 node385->node386 node385->node389 node377 node377->node378 node377->node385 node392 node394 node397 leaf395 node394->leaf395 leaf396 node394->leaf396 leaf398 node397->leaf398 leaf399 node397->leaf399 node393 node393->node394 node393->node397 node400 node401 node404 leaf402 node401->leaf402 leaf403 node401->leaf403 leaf405 node404->leaf405 leaf406 node404->leaf406 node400->node401 node400->node404 node392->node393 node392->node400 node376 node376->node377 node376->node392 node407 node410 node413 leaf411 node410->leaf411 leaf412 node410->leaf412 leaf414 node413->leaf414 leaf415 node413->leaf415 node409 node409->node410 node409->node413 node416 node417 node420 leaf418 node417->leaf418 leaf419 node417->leaf419 leaf421 node420->leaf421 leaf422 node420->leaf422 node416->node417 node416->node420 node408 node408->node409 node408->node416 node423 node425 node428 leaf426 node425->leaf426 leaf427 node425->leaf427 leaf429 node428->leaf429 leaf430 node428->leaf430 node424 node424->node425 node424->node428 node431 node432 node435 leaf433 node432->leaf433 leaf434 node432->leaf434 leaf436 node435->leaf436 leaf437 node435->leaf437 node431->node432 node431->node435 node423->node424 node423->node431 node407->node408 node407->node423 node375 node375->node376 node375->node407 node438 node442 node445 leaf443 node442->leaf443 leaf444 node442->leaf444 leaf446 node445->leaf446 leaf447 node445->leaf447 node441 node441->node442 node441->node445 node448 node449 node452 leaf450 node449->leaf450 leaf451 node449->leaf451 leaf453 node452->leaf453 leaf454 node452->leaf454 node448->node449 node448->node452 node440 node440->node441 node440->node448 node455 node457 leaf458 node457->leaf458 leaf459 node457->leaf459 leaf460 node456 node456->node457 node461 node456->leaf460 node462 node465 leaf463 node462->leaf463 leaf464 node462->leaf464 leaf466 node465->leaf466 leaf467 node465->leaf467 node461->node462 node461->node465 node455->node456 node455->node461 node439 node439->node440 node439->node455 node468 node471 node474 leaf472 node471->leaf472 leaf473 node471->leaf473 leaf475 node474->leaf475 leaf476 node474->leaf476 node470 node470->node471 node470->node474 node477 node478 node481 leaf479 node478->leaf479 leaf480 node478->leaf480 leaf482 node481->leaf482 leaf483 node481->leaf483 node477->node478 node477->node481 node469 node469->node470 node469->node477 node484 node486 node489 leaf487 node486->leaf487 leaf488 node486->leaf488 leaf490 node489->leaf490 leaf491 node489->leaf491 node485 node485->node486 node485->node489 node492 node493 node496 leaf494 node493->leaf494 leaf495 node493->leaf495 leaf497 node496->leaf497 leaf498 node496->leaf498 node492->node493 node492->node496 node484->node485 node484->node492 node468->node469 node468->node484 node438->node439 node438->node468 node374->node375 node374->node438 node254->node255 node254->node374 node0 node0->node1 node0->node254 > legend
dimp = permutation_importance(dt,Xtest,ytest)
ddf = p_importance(dt,list(X_sm.columns),dimp['importances_mean'],dimp['importances_std']).iloc[:10]

#Plotting Feature Importance Graphs
plt.title("Bar plot of Importances for Decision Tree Model");

Working on Ensemble-Tree Models

Ensemble methods, which combines several decision trees to produce better predictive performance than utilizing a single decision tree. The main principle behind the ensemble model is that a group of weak learners come together to form a strong learner.

Let’s talk about few techniques to perform ensemble decision trees:

  1. Bagging
  2. Boosting

Bagging (Bootstrap Aggregation) is used when our goal is to reduce the variance of a decision tree. Here idea is to create several subsets of data from training sample chosen randomly with replacement. Now, each collection of subset data is used to train their decision trees. As a result, we end up with an ensemble of different models. Average of all the predictions from different trees are used which is more robust than a single decision tree.

Trying out Boosting Models

Gradient Boosting is an extension over boosting method. Gradient Boosting= Gradient Descent + Boosting. It uses gradient descent algorithm which can optimize any differentiable loss function. An ensemble of trees are built one by one and individual trees are summed sequentially. Next tree tries to recover the loss (difference between actual and predicted values). </br> Advantages of using Gradient Boosting technique:</br>

  • Supports different loss function.
  • Works well with interactions. Disadvantages of using Gradient Boosting technique:</br>
  • Prone to over-fitting.
  • Requires careful tuning of different hyper-parameters

Bagging Classifier

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.ensemble import BaggingClassifier

X_train,X_test,y_train,y_test = train_test_split(X_sm , y_sm ,train_size=0.8)

max_depth = 20

# Set the maximum depth to be max_depth and use 100 estimators
n_estimators = 50
basemodel = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=max_depth,random_state=142)

bagging = BaggingClassifier(base_estimator=basemodel, 

# Fit the model on the training set, y_train)
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score

# We make predictions on the validation set 
bag_predictions = bagging.predict(X_test)

# compute the accuracy on the validation set
acc_bag = round(accuracy_score(bag_predictions, y_test),2)

print(f'For Bagging, the accuracy on the validation set is {acc_bag}')
For Bagging, the accuracy on the validation set is 0.84
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.82      0.86      0.84     32726
           1       0.85      0.81      0.83     33008

    accuracy                           0.84     65734
   macro avg       0.84      0.84      0.84     65734
weighted avg       0.84      0.84      0.84     65734

Random Forest Classifier

# Define a Random Forest classifier with randon_state as above
# Set the maximum depth to be max_depth and use 100 estimators

random_forest = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=max_depth, 

# Fit the model on the training set, y_train)
RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=20, max_features=8, n_estimators=50,
# We make predictions on the validation set 
rf_predictions = random_forest.predict(X_test)

# compute the accuracy on the validation set
acc_rf = round(accuracy_score(rf_predictions, y_test),2)

print(f'For Random Forest, the accuracy on the validation set is {acc_rf}')
For Random Forest, the accuracy on the validation set is 0.84
# Reducing the max_depth for visualization 
max_depth = 3

random_forest = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=max_depth, random_state=142, n_estimators=n_estimators,max_features = 8)

# Fit the model on the training set, y_train)

# Selecting two trees at random
forest1 = random_forest.estimators_[0]
vizC = dtreeviz(forest1, X_sm.iloc[:,:11],y_sm,
               feature_names = X_sm.columns[:11],
               target_name = 'Signal/Backgound', class_names= ['No','Yes']
              ,orientation = 'TD',
G cluster_legend node2 node5 leaf3 node2->leaf3 leaf4 node2->leaf4 leaf6 node5->leaf6 leaf7 node5->leaf7 node1 node1->node2 node1->node5 node8 node9 node12 leaf10 node9->leaf10 leaf11 node9->leaf11 leaf13 node12->leaf13 leaf14 node12->leaf14 node8->node9 node8->node12 node0 node0->node1 node0->node8 > legend"RandomForestClassifier1.svg")

Plotting and Comparing ROC Curves

In Machine Learning, performance measurement is an essential task. So when it comes to a classification problem, we can count on an AUC - ROC Curve. When we need to check or visualize the performance of the multi-class classification problem, we use the AUC (Area Under The Curve) ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics) curve. It is one of the most important evaluation metrics for checking any classification model’s performance. It is also written as AUROC (Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristics).

Interpretation of ROC Curves

An excellent model has AUC near to the 1 which means it has a good measure of separability. A poor model has AUC near to the 0 which means it has the worst measure of separability. In fact, it means it is reciprocating the result. It is predicting 0s as 1s and 1s as 0s. And when AUC is 0.5, it means the model has no class separation capacity whatsoever.

def make_roc(name, clf, ytest, xtest, ax=None, labe=5,  proba=True, skip=0, initial = False):
    if not ax:
    if proba:
        fpr, tpr, thresholds=roc_curve(ytest, clf.predict_proba(xtest)[:,1])
        fpr, tpr, thresholds=roc_curve(ytest, clf.decision_function(xtest))
    roc_auc = auc(fpr, tpr)
    if skip:
        ax.plot(fpr[0:l:skip], tpr[0:l:skip], '.-', lw=2, alpha=0.4, label='ROC curve for %s (area = %0.2f)' % (name, roc_auc))
        ax.plot(fpr, tpr, '.-', lw=2, alpha=0.4, label='ROC curve for %s (area = %0.2f)' % (name, roc_auc))
    label_kwargs = {}
    label_kwargs['bbox'] = dict(
        boxstyle='round,pad=0.3', alpha=0.2,
    for k in range(0, fpr.shape[0],labe):
        threshold = str(np.round(thresholds[k], 2))
        ax.annotate(threshold, (fpr[k], tpr[k]), **label_kwargs)
    if initial:
        ax.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--')
        ax.set_xlim([0.0, 1.0])
        ax.set_ylim([0.0, 1.05])
        ax.set_xlabel('False Positive Rate')
        ax.set_ylabel('True Positive Rate')
    ax.legend(loc="lower right")
    return ax

make_roc('Decision Tree on balanced dataset', dt,ytest ,Xtest, ax=ax[0],labe=5000, initial = False)
make_roc('Logistic Regression', lr,ytest ,Xtest, ax=ax[0],labe=5000, initial = False)

make_pr('Decision Tree on balanced dataset',dt,ytest,Xtest,ax=ax[1])
make_pr('Logistic Regression',lr,ytest,Xtest,ax=ax[1])
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fc9c2d49f50>

make_roc('Random Forest on balanced dataset', random_forest,ytest ,Xtest, ax=ax[0],labe=5000, initial = False)
make_roc('Bagging Classifier on balanced dataset', bagging,ytest ,Xtest, ax=ax[0],labe=5000, initial = False)

make_pr('Decision Tree on balanced dataset',random_forest,ytest,Xtest,ax=ax[1])
make_pr('Bagging Classifier on balanced datastet',bagging,ytest,Xtest,ax=ax[1])
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fc9c4d22e10>
from sklearn.inspection import plot_partial_dependence

#Partial Dependence for DT
fig, axes = plt.subplots(10, 1, figsize = (5, 20))
#Partial Dependence for Random Forest Classifier
fig, axes = plt.subplots(10, 1, figsize = (5, 20))
#Partial Dependence for Bagging Classifier
fig, axes = plt.subplots(10, 1, figsize = (5, 20))


These are the following accuracies and F1 Score for the various classifiers used:

  1. Logistic Regression - 71% Accuracy and 0.70 F1 Score
  2. Decision Tree Classifier - 78% Accuracy and 0.78 F1 Score
  3. Bagging Classifier - 84% Accuracy and 0.84 F1 Score
  4. Random Tree Classifier - 84% Accuracy and 0.84 F1 Score

Clearly of these, the ensemble models performed better. However, we would like to further pre-process the data and fine tune the hyperparameters further in order to improve model classification.

One of the ideas we wanted to implement was self-supervised learning - which we have done in notebook called VIME_implementation.ipynb. This notebook contains our attempt at implementing the VIME algorithm for our dataset.